OMG! I Lost In Pare
Never Tired And Lose
Anggia Nurfadilah Kurniawan
I always listen about Pare
before, but i don’t know how the real
life in Pare. I heard the history of Pare, i think
Pare is “The Wealth
Of Nation” it is the real in my opinion not Adam
Smith’s opinion. Why i
say that? As we know, the culture language in Pare is
different with
other region. This is the culture from the past time
happen until now.
And we must keep this culture like The Wealth of Nation.
Simple But Awesome that is my motto’s life. I have a
big soul of
Patriotism and Nationalism. Absolute, i wanna travel
this country, with
my ability. Life is escapade, we explore everything we
want, and
conque all the challenge. Altought, i live from hand to
mouth, but i
always look on the bright side to conque all my dreams
even the world.
I am so glad with the journey
between Tasikmalaya west java
and Pare east java. Proved, Indonesia is paradise
land, duo to in my
view of jouney, really awesome. Untill my eyes so hard
to move on from
the beautification. I got Pare, with the direction
train Tasikmalaya to
Kediri. Arround 11 hours, i arrived in Access camp.
Access is my selection program.
And this is my first time to live
in Pare. This is my new experience in my life.
Firstly, i just try to
choose Access program. But the last, i am habitual
with the culture
here, till now i really feel so awesome because of
Access. I really
thanks to coaches in Access, cause this is the best
experience ever in
my life. I hope i can come back to Access with my
marveolus different
It is not how much we have, but
how much we enjoy, that makes
happiness. About the culture, i feel really enjoy and
happy to live here.
I think, Pare is good in dicipline, altought in
ramadhan and heard so
hard to do. But it is not problem, i got enjoy even i
always spirit with
the activity. Instead, ramadhan more be productive
here, and so much
the chance for doing something well and positive. The
unique here is,
everyone use the bicycle for going to somewhere. And
it is a good
development, cause it is not make a pollution like a
The name of Pare English Village.
The habiation here is speak
english and peace life. What makes speak english to be
Cause the culture and dicipline here so strong,
specially in Access
program. And what makes peace life to be habitation?
Cause relation
between environment and human is great.
Because of the great nature in
Pare, i can relax to live here.
Altought, here is the barrend land till make an effect
hot, i decided
enjoy here. I really feel live in village with a
harmonious, not just
because of good view, the social here is good. The
local wisdom here i
feel in my daily activity. I think everyone here is
hospitable, specially
for the choaches. I feel they are so active lead us to
make a great in
english. I am stunned with their merits. It is make us
happy and
delightful in study.
Do you know Bhineka Tunggal Ika ? That is motto’s of our
country Indonesia. The means is diversity in unity.
Big entuciastic
from me to english program in Pare. Cause everyone
come to Pare from
the different region, culture, language and other. But
here we are one
with big tolerance.
Specially from me, this is pride
of me to spent the holiday in
Pare. Cause it make my holiday to be productive not be
consumtive. So,
when will you make your
life better? OMG! I
Lost In Pare In Ramadhan
Think Fast And Don’t Be Late
Education Is Limit but Imagination Is So Wide
Coach Limbad